about 3 tons per American

MVP: Kaylin Burchell (junior) - Took third place in the 100 breaststroke at the SEC Championships and capped her season with a seventh-place finish in the same eventat the NCAA Championships. She was also a major contributor on a number of relays,Sure,http://www.iss4thgrade.org/cheapmichaelkors.html,mountain.

President Obama celebrated students at the recent White House Science Fair for their innovative ideas. One of the participants, Parker Owen, was honored for his invention,WE'VE GOT TO DO SOMETHING, the Cycle-Leg -- an inexpensive prosthetic made from a single recycled bicycle.

Looks like we need another refresher to ‘level set’ the amount of carbon being burned and placed into the atmosphere:What I find fascinating is that some Americans believe climate change is simply based on one’s ‘beliefs’ and not science.We all know about earth’s history including the ‘fact’ that CO2 is a greenhouse gas that does trap solar radiation that keeps this planet warm. Without this, we d be living on a ice ball in space . . . The problem is that we’re increasing the CO2 very very quickly.But first,cheap ray bans, the simple chemistry:C + O2 = CO2When we burn fossil fuels,cheap toms, we are taking carbon from the carbon chains in the fuel, combusting it with oxygen in the air, using the heat and exhausting the combustion products that include CO2.How much of the CO2 is being emitted to the atmosphere?Consider the following just for the USA:- we burn about 1.1 BILLION tons of coal each year (about 3 tons per American)- we burn about 7 BILLION barrels of oil each year (about 23 barrels per American)- we burn about 23 TRILLION cubic feet of natural gas (75,toms shoes outlet,000 cubic feet per American)All of this carbon is being ‘dug out of the ground’ and reintroduced to the atmosphere. This is causing the concentration of CO2 to raise from preindustrial levels of about 280 ppm (parts per million) to now going into the 390 ppm range.This has caused the mean thermal temperature of the earth to raise about 1.5 degree Fahrenheit (read global warming).So the science is well understood and we can see that ‘humans’ are burning more and more carbon raising the concentration.The question is what will all of this mean? Well, more energy on the planet will create changing weather patterns (aka ‘climate change’) as the heat absorbed raises both the air and water temperature.Higher air temperature causes the air to hold more water and thus rain output will increase the magnitude of rainfall in some areas.Higher ocean temperatures will cause storms of greater magnitude.What these will be and their aftereffects we’re just starting to understand. But these changes are happening . . . and their consequences could be significant.So there’s little doubt that the burning of fossil fuels is having an ‘effect’ and we’re going to have to try to understand what that means long term.For links to the rising temperature due to climate change introduction of more CO2:But we can see the rising global mean temperatures: http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs_v3/And we can also see the rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere as we burn more and more fossil fuels:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mauna_Loa_Carbon_Dioxide-en.svgHere’s a good link that clearly explains in the burning chemistry equations of coal and natural gas:http://telstar.ote.cmu.edu/environ/m3/s3/09fossil.shtmlThis is something you can again ‘see’ for yourself.Interestingly, they start off using my basic equation . . . .

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