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Todd Hancock,cheap uggs australia, president of Associated Chino Teachers,, said he believes the state goals concerning professional training for employees and curriculum development, and increasing enrollment in college and career preparation courses, need to be legally negotiated by the teachers union and the district.The district and teachers union are in mediation for the teachers 2013-14 contract.Mike Wendling,cheap toms, a fifth grade teacher at Rhodes Elementary School in Chino,it added.,toms outlet, proposed the school district could use the $3.8 million slated for instructional coaches towards the $4.2 million he claims it would cost to hire additional teachers that would reduce class sizes throughout the district at the kindergarten through sixth grade level.Mr. Wendling offered charts to support his theory.Parent Karen Olson,ray ban sunglasses outlet, backed up at the speakers podium by more than 20 parents and taxpayers from throughout the school district,toms shoes outlet, said she has collected more than 1,000 signatures demanding the district eliminate combination classes. The funds allocated in the LCAP for intervention coaches can hire 50 more classroom teachers to reduce class size and eliminate the use of combos,yes you heard me correctly,, she said.Parent Jake Kadakia, who said he is very active in his child s school, said he sees how teachers struggle with large class sizes and combination classes. Mr. Kadakia also said he had talked to several parents who said they had no input in the LCAP.The draft LCAP can be found on the district s website at (click on Local Control Funding Formula link on the left).The school board plans to vote on the document at its June 26 meeting.Story updated Monday, June 16,, 2014