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The Crossett School District board of education members heard the district's accreditation report,Also on Thursday, approved board policies and approved personnel changes during its regular board meeting on Monday,ray ban sunglasses outlet, May 19.In new business, Superintendent Dr. Barbara Wood said the Ark. Department of Education gives each district a standard accreditation report. The district as a whole, Wood said,coach outlet store online,500 large companies., is accredited/cited. She said the reason the district was cited is because the district has one or more certified employees working toward an alternative licensing plan. Board members approved the report as presented. Board members also approved changes as presented of board policies to comply with state requirements. Dr. Wood said most of the changes are in wording.During a review of the proposed policies,, board member Eddie Goodson asked what actions the district may take against a parent who refuses to allow their child to participate in the Common Core curriculum and state mandated testing. My question was, I don't have a problem with the way it's written,michael kors factory outlet, but my question would be the penalties [should a parent refuse for their child to be tested]?,cheap toms, said Goodson.

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It s not that he s losing ground,through play,, but he s never been able to grow,,Not much about putting up signs, he said. To be tied at this point has to have him terribly worried. There s no clear road for Santos.